8 Habits of Effective Financial Advisors

1. Don’t Wake up to Work

Instead of checking your phone immediately when you wake up, consider keeping an interesting book next to the bed or engaging in a few yoga exercises to begin your day.

2. Focus On Things That Are Within Your Control

There are a lot of things that you do not have control over in your work as a financial advisor–the stock market, clients’ actions, etc. Don’t obsess over outcomes or rejection. Instead, focus on activities that are within your control. These can include prospecting activities such as emails, marketing, and calls. Successful financial advisors keep a growth mindset.

3. Daily Exercise

Even if you don’t have time or energy for exercise, a short walk or 10 minutes of stretching, or some other physical activity can help you be more focused and feel more energized, especially if you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed. Exercise can help you get out of your head for a little bit and prioritize what you need to do afterward. It can focus your work and lift your mood.

4. Do the Hardest Things When You’re Feeling Your Best

We all have daunting tasks, and we all know what it’s like to procrastinate them. Decide what activities you need to prioritize and block out time to accomplish them when you are at your best.

5. Connect With Clients Consistently

Maintain good client relationships by reaching out on a regular basis. Set reminders to help you remember when to send check-in emails or phone calls.  These small investments of time will go a long way in maintaining client relationships.

6. Keep Up With Industry Trends

Stay involved with investing trends that clients are interested in, as well as how clients prefer to meet in terms of social media and communication formats.  Be in contact with other advisors and firms so that you can keep up with constant changes within wealth management.

7. Use Strategies to Boost Productivity

Find ways to make the best use of your time during your work day. Keep a schedule. Give yourself deadlines. Keep tabs on whether your strategies are working.  If not, take a look at delegating certain tasks that take up a lot of your time but that someone else or a computer program could do.

8. Set Short and Long-Term Goals

Just like you won’t find your destination without a map, you won’t advance in your career without clear goals. Write your goals down to make them feel more concrete. Start with the long-range goals and then set short-term goals as a step-by-step guide to reaching them. Place them somewhere where you can see them consistently. Make time to periodically review them.

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